First Parish UU Church - Piano Concert Series 4

 Registration is closed for this event

Virtuoso Piano Concert

Piano image

Featuring Partita #6 by J.S. Bach, and Cesar Franck’s Prelude Chorale and Fugue, as well as an original composition titled Echoes of Light

Sponsored by the First Parish UU Music Committee

Grammy-nominated pianist Andrius Žlabys will give a concert Sunday, Feb. 25, at 4 p.m. at First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church in Kennebunk. Žlabys has received international acclaim for his performances including with the New York Philharmonic, Boston and Cleveland Symphony Orchestras, and orchestras in Europe.

A donation of $20 is suggested at the door that night, or pre-register on-line to attain the Link for viewing by ZOOM at home. Be aware viewing from home will not meet the quality you would receive in person.


CONCERT PIANIST: Curtist Institute, Andrius Zlabys



         Žlabys, who studied at the Curtis and Cleveland Institutes of Music and Yale University, gained recognition at 18 when the Chicago Tribune hailed him as one of the most gifted young keyboard artists to emerge in this country. A prize winner at Cleveland International Piano Competition, his performances and compositions have been heard at renowned venues worldwide.  Žlabys is a piano faculty member at Boston University and Longy School of Music. 

        Žlabys writes the following about his composition, inspired by Mozart's Requiem and the writings of Carl Sagan: "In the space surrounding Earth, an invisible sphere expands. Ever since our first radio transmissions, it has been growing at the speed of light, containing everything we broadcast. Long after Earth is gone and human civilization but a blink in the eyes of the universe, the sphere, however faint and undetectable, will continue forever. It may contain emissions of the most beautiful of which humanity was capable. I imagine fragments of Mozart's Requiem continuing to echo through space and time, perhaps never again detected, yet always present."


The program starts at 4 pm and doors will open at 3:30 pm. Please arrive at the Church early so the program can begin on time.Those who arrive in person may give their donation at the door.

Pre-registration for Zoom viewers is required only for those who wish to view. All registered participants will receive a link "by-invitation-only.” The ZOOM session will be open at 3:45 pm for those who are awaiting in the waiting room.


  • Families or friends viewing on 1 screen: $25
  • Individual adults on 1 Zoom screen: $20


  1. Select the button above or below to register.
  2. Purchase your registered Zoom Link for on-line viewing
  3. It is not necessary to preregister if you are attending in person!
February 25th, 2024 from  4:00 PM to  5:30 PM
KENNEBUNK, ME 04043-7036
Event Fee(s)
Family - Zoom Viewing: Two or more Participants: $25.00
Single Adult - Viewing via Zoom: $20.00
Event Zoom Notes
Event Zoom Notes
Unmatched Zoom Participants
Zoom Join Link
Zoom Register Link