The Shape of Justice

Sermon Date: 
Sunday, October 3, 2021

This service was led by Reverend Lara K-J Campbell with a revered friend and guest speaker Reverend Molly Brewer. The recording includes readings and homily by the reverends Molly and Lara.

Rev. Molly Brewer (fae/faer pronouns) is a Unitarian Universalist minister whose work focuses on navigating the intersections of body size, disability, neurodivergence, and gender. Fae has served as the Youth Ministry Coordinator at the First Unitarian Church of Rochester, NY; with the UUA’s Leader Lab and the Church of the Larger Fellowship as a group facilitator; and has provided educational programming on neurodiversity inclusion and fat liberation for various organizations and events, including the UUA and 2021’s UU General Assembly. A lifelong New Englander, Rev. Molly lives in New Hampshire.