
Pure Imagination

Sermon Date: 
Feb 4, 2024

This service was led by Tori Rosati, our minister. 


Sermon Date: 
Jan 28, 2024

This service was led by Tori Rosati, our minister. Her sermon was on how she was called to this ministry and how it is an example how we all answer to our callings.

The Movement of Justice

Sermon Date: 
Jan 14, 2024

This service was led by Tori Rosati, our minister. 

Seeds for a New Year

Sermon Date: 
Jan 7, 2024

This service was led by Mark Gallup and was focused on a UUA on-line service given by the Reverend, Dr. Sofia Betancourt, UUA president. Here is the link .

Beloved is Where We Begin: Tori's Introduction to UU

Sermon Date: 
Dec 19, 2023

Tori Rosati's first sermon as our minister, where she discusses how she came to the Unitarian Universalist faith.


Sermon Date: 
Dec 10, 2023

This service was led by the reverend Christina Sillari. Rev. Sillari discovered Unitarian Universalism in her late twenties after rejecting the oppressive religions of her childhood. While teaching and counseling through yoga, breath, sound, and shamanic techniques, she was called to the ministry.

Mysterium Tremendum: What anchors you in challenging times?

Sermon Date: 
Dec 3, 2023

Rev. Al Boyce began ministry over 35 years ago as an evangelical minister. After attending Harvard Divinity School he became a Unitarian Universalist parish Minster in 1988. Al also holds a Masters Degree in Psychology/Counseling and PhD in psychology. Al has served parishes in Chester Depot, Vermont, founded a Unitarian Universalist church in downtown Miami, Florida and served the Plainfield, New Jersey Unitarian Universalist congregation.  Al served the Turner, Maine First Universalist Church as half-time minister until COVID.

Gratitude Practice

Sermon Date: 
Nov 26, 2023

This service was led by a special guest and member, Tory Leuteman. 


Sermon Date: 
Nov 12, 2023

This service was led by Mary Gelfand on the topic of deeper listening and the effects to better living. 

Bystander or Upstander

Sermon Date: 
Nov 5, 2023

This service was led by a special guest with a very important message. Greg is in his sixth year of teaching social studies at Kennebunk High School, where he currently teaches courses on modern history, government, and racism. He has also proudly spent the past half decade assisting the Civil Rights Team as they attempt to improve our community's understanding and handling of vulnerable and targeted groups.
