
The Three Ts

Sermon Date: 
Oct 30, 2022

This service focused on Stewardship and the three Ts (talent, time, and treasure). Two skits were presented and you had to be there to appreciate the innuendos and comedy. Kim Lord gave a short reflection and important message as posted here. 

Three More Cups

Sermon Date: 
Oct 23, 2022

During the reading, Rev. Lara shared with us the story of three cups. Her reflection, "Three More Cups" talks about how Spending, Saving, and Giving relate to our own stewardship at church--those of time, talent, and treasure.


Sermon Date: 
Oct 20, 2022

This service was led by the reverend Lara K-J Campbell.

On the Journey Together

Sermon Date: 
Oct 9, 2022

Guest Minister Donna Dolham talks about being a UU out in the world, and that we're all on the Journey together.

1 To 4000; Animal Blessing Service

Sermon Date: 
Oct 2, 2022

This sermon was for a special Animal Blessing Day service. All the animals present were wonderful from a ferret to a beautiful pig and online was even a parrot. Reverend Lara gave a beautiful sermon on her experiences with a foster beagle for many weeks. Listen to the story.

The Best Medicine

Sermon Date: 
Sep 25, 2022

This service was led by the reverend Lara K-J Campbell

We Will.....

Sermon Date: 
Sep 18, 2022

This service was led by the Reverend Lara K-J Campbell. In the service we heard music from Jaylene Summers (Piano), songs by Margret Jones and Paul Beach, and pipes by Bruce Childress. 

Somos El Barco (trans. "We are the boat")

Sermon Date: 
Sep 11, 2022

At this year's water communion and in-gathering, Rev. Lara preaches about the hymn "Somos el Barco," which translated from Spanish means "we are the boat."

What do you love more than love?

Sermon Date: 
Aug 29, 2022

Jay Pacitti - Donor Relations Director at the Unitarian Universalist Association (and spouse of our own Rev. Lara!) receives inspiration from the Dar Williams song "What do you love more than love?" and reflects on that concept for us as Unitarian Universalists.

Are We in the Good Place

Sermon Date: 
Aug 21, 2022

This service was led by the Reverend Lara K-J Campbell. 
